Monday, April 30, 2007

What does it mean to be "happy"

A friend of mine asked me today if I was happy...well my reply was "fairly". I think the definition of happines is different from person to person. For instance, I know of people who find their "hapiness" in various different things such as cigarettes, marijuiwanna, shopping, having/spending money, or my favorite, which I try to practice is happiness in The Lord. Christianity, pure living.

It is soooo hard to try to achieve happiness in ANYTHING unless you have help. For some, its a drinking partner, or a dope partner, or a shopping partner. I have a hard time because my house is like im the only one trying to find happiness in this area, cause I am the only one really trying to live that way right now.

I have my friends and my church family, but not much else. I've learned not to trust in any man (or woman) so that may be why I dont have too many friends right now. The way I look at it, the people who are in my life right this immediate moment are the ones that are supposed to be there. And I try to find my happiness in knowing that...

I want to know what everyone elses definition of "happiness" is.....any takers?

Yea im a little depressed today, bear with me..its that time of month ;-)


eyes_only4him said...

oh shoot, sorry to get u depressed..

Well, happiness to me is having kids that are healthy, money in the bank, roof over my head and a man who doesnt seem to mind i am a half wit.

I get happieness out of my freinds, but my real ture freinds, are not anywhere close to in that aspect, its not a lot of happiness in that area..So right now, friends dont bring me a lot of happiness, more sadness really.

Being happy right now is me eating mass qaunties of food, and having a soaking wet steamy HOT bath..


Halfmexican Mama said...

maybe I should try the bath..oh wait everytime I try that I look up to find a naked 2 year old standing there getting ready to climb in...tee hee

eyes_only4him said...

oh and its that time of month for me too...

u need to move here...I can get u a job where I work..hehe

Neurotic1 said...

Hmmm happiness is....

I think I get most of my happiness through my son. I enjoy just watching him have fun and enjoy life. No luck on the friend thing here. I only have a couple of girlfriends here but no one that I really share anything with.

I don't think it is possible to be happy every second of every day unless you are on some great drugs ;)

Drinking beer outside on a nice summer day makes me really happy but I can't do that everyday or my husband may make me go to AA!

Halfmexican Mama said...


you really are a good way ;-)