Thursday, May 3, 2007

444 & ANOTHER dream

For the past couple of years, I've noticed the time 4:44 coming up so much that its intensely strange...I will wake up at 4:44 in the am like twice a week, for some reason almost every day I look at the clock in the afternoon and it 4:44, like I said for the last couple of years...SO yesterday I Googled it. And you can do so as well if you like...I got a few different answers to the reason why this number keeps appearing to is that angels are letting me know that they are with me..another says that MY angels or spirit guide is trying to tell me "NO"....

NO to what? This is what really confuses the shit out of me...NO to the brand of toilet paper I use?...."NO" to the fact that I dont have a job?...."NO" to the relationship im in??? I mean WTF now im even more I typed in my birthday for a numerology reading (11-9-75) and I got a series of numbers that supposedly represent me and my life path etc...what was the first number you ask? 4! then there was a bunch of 6's and 1's...yup 4...I dunno Im going to research it a little more because I think theres more to it. It kinda scares though cause when you look at 444 on a digital clock it looks like three little pitchforks....I know im a freak, so sue me.

Last night was one of the worst nightmares of all times I dreamt that me and Buster and my inlaws and the 2 year old were in a roll over accident due to a truck in front of us losing a milkcrate on the was one of those you can feel every move, hear every scream and smell every smell dreams....I hate those. I should have been knocked on my ass cold due to the fact that I tool 2 valiums and a hot shower last night because of some major stress and anxiety. But NOOOO it takes a horses dose of drugs to do that to me.....I so need to lose weight.

And as I sit here on my fat ass at ten in the morning, still not dressed with groceries and dishes to put away from last night....I think to myself, I so need to lose weight. I will do it! It is just so much harder for some reason this year. Maybe cause its May and still feels like February half the time in Michigan!!! Damn I hate this state.

Well folks by bladder is full, I need to pee and the 2 year old is bitching for something to eat, so Im gonna go and pop a squat under one of the maples out back with my sling shot and as im pissing I will kill us a squirrell for breakfast, wish me luck and happy hunting ;-)


Neurotic1 said...

Too funny~ I google everything. Mr. Conservative laughs at me if he looks to see what I have googled!

I hate dreams like that. I always have one that I am driving and am about to hit a semi! It freaks me out!

Losing weight is sooo hard to do! I always have good intentions then some fast food place will call my name until I answer and give in. Guess I need to turn off my internal phone ;)

Halfmexican Mama said...

Just tell your internal phone that its "temporarily disconnected"!! But I know fast easy shit to eat is so good when your tummys rumbling..Oh yeah if Im not Googling I goto you can ask anything and get a definite answer, it used to be called and I will goto when intermission is on jeopardy or "are you smarter than a 5th grader" before the show comes back on we have the answer. Course we ususally try to answer it ourselves;-)

eyes_only4him said...

i google odd phone numbers that call here:)

weird dream and I need to lose weight too..sonofabitch.