Friday, March 30, 2007

Turd Dropper in Da House!

O#2 is still potty training...weve got the peeing in the pot thing down (somewhat) but she will NOT poop on the pot!

This is soooo frustrating especially since she chooses to excrete presicesly at SUPPERTIME every day!!

Well at least it helps the dieting...there goes my appetite.

Today she was standing in the doorway between the living and dining room and said "uh oh mumma" I looked down and there was a brown golf ball sized turd laying on my berber...

So Frustrating....

Ive tried coaxing, offering gum and chocolate if she poops on the pot, tried sinking the cheerios and shes not falling for any of it.

Once when my sister had the same dad put her on a bunch of newspaper scattered all over the floor, with her mess scattered around her for about 4 hours...she never shit herself again after that...

Too harsh???

1 comment:

eyes_only4him said...

ok the boy had this trouble..

u need to treat her like a cat, take her turd , dump it in the potty, and tell her thats where ot goes.

if nothing else, she will be putting her own turnd in the potty after she drops them on your floor.