Saturday, March 31, 2007

Smorgasboard Breakfast

Well my beautiful offspring let me sleep in this morning, and Buster too of course...How nice?

When we got up around ten, O#2 was running around naked as a jay bird on crack..they ate about ten little debbie oatmeal cream pies for breakfast and a whole box of cocaine snacks (i mean fruit snacks) and probably a little coca cola thrown in for good measure...

The house looked like we had just experienced a B & E, and O#1 answered a call on the phone which happened to be someguy wanting to know if we still had chicken nesters for sale...?WTF? When Buster politely told the dude he had the wrong number he gave Buster a crapload of smack for letting a little girl answer the phone...

Dear Anonomous Caller:
Thank You for your sincere interest in the chicken nesters that we have never owned..sorry we could not be more efficient to your needs. In the future should you place a call to the wrong number, politely say that you are very sorry, and HANG THE F*** UP! It is none of your business as to the wrong upbringing that we are raising our children in. Kids will be Kids!!!

Shove it up your tight butt!
Mrs. J

My kids DO know that

#1 they should not scamper through the house naked EVER!

#2 they are NOT to answer the telephone or cell phone NO MATTER WHAT! (O1 just happened to forget that little rule today,i'll forgive her since she was high)

#3they should never ever ever answer the door for anyone, even if they know that person
(o1 let Papa in last week while Buster and I were in the shower...need I say more?)

#4they should never talk to strangers, even especially if the dude resembles Jesus....

They know a lot of other crap too...but they're kids, and im gonna love the hell out of their loud little misbehaving asses while they still are...

Peace Out

1 comment:

eyes_only4him said...

um i still cant get past sleeping in till 10...holy crack.

I remeber vividly u selling chicken nesters...