Monday, April 9, 2007

THINGS aren't always what they seem..

Things arent always what they seem. When you think you know somebody or someone, it's not what is always perceptive to others...sometimes people dissapoint you in a way that you may not seem to be forgiving, but yet your christianity and your God tells you to forgive your heart and mind you must do this to obey the Lord..but you dont always want to or feel that you should. But then when you take a good look at yourself and where youve been youwould want someone to do the same for you. We dont like being put into these situations but because of God ther is his plan for all of us...Forgive each other as I have forgiven you..and that is what I am trying to do inmy life inmore than one situation right now...

1 comment:

eyes_only4him said...

I agree with you, to an extent..

I feel you should be forgiving as well. But if a person whom has done u wrong has done it time and time again, u have to learn when to let go. Forgive them, yes, but continue a relatioship with

We all need to make/have freinds that have our best interst at heart. A friend who drags you down, makes u feel hallow or does things that u dont like or are trying to avoid doing, are not true friends.

A true friend will slap u, say "wake the fuck up? and help u make postive changes in your life..

Forgive them, yes...contiune to maintain any type of freindship..I say no.

Like u and I..We have had our ups and downs for about 20 years now. You have dome things to piss me off, I have forgiven you..I have done things to piss u have, u have forgievn me. But the differnce here, is we each only had eachother best interst at heart..Granted we were in high school thru most of it, and u dont know shit in highschool,. but damn it, we were only trying to do what we thought was best for eachother.

Dont let people drag u down...

there...thats all I got:)