Friday, September 21, 2007

Word to the wise.

Never post while under the influence...or you say really dumb shit.

Thats the truth.


Well I ran my ass of today, doctors appt for BP didnt go so good...they had to give me some med that started with a Q to get it to drop...

It was like 148 over 106...

Then it dropped down to 138 over 98 with the help of the meds...

Looks likey I will be on meds for this I told the doc I dont have insurance after Tuesday,
he said that he could seriously supply me with all the BP meds I need for life...

Im thinking samples.

Samples rock!!

Cant think of anything else for now so till next time take it easy, and dont be sleazy ;-)


Bella said...

I'm glad your doctor is able to help you out with the meds.

eyes_only4him said...

man, I can not belive your blood pressure is so high, damn woman.

Your getting old, u already need blood pressure pills, and your younger then me..shoot;)

samples do rock..

oh and also never blog under the influnce of Bartbitaits. I have done makes for pretty clever writing, but it only makes sence to u.

just say NO to blogging with booze and Ambien..

Jamie Dawn said...

My hubby has high BP. The meds do help, but you might want to reduce your salt intake and run around the block a few times each evening.
I'm glad you are taking care of it though, because out of control BP leads to MAJOR health troubles such as a stroke.
Dr. JD here, giving you some good advice.
That'll be $75.

Halfmexican Mama said...

Katie..yeah me too!!

FFG...makes as much sense as salsa flavored milk,

JD..the check is in the mail

1 plus twins said...

thank god the dr is helping out with the free meds. that is great. hope you get that under control and can keep it under control. hope your feeling better. take it easy you are supposed to be milking it. lol

JUST A MOM said...

can you see me????? I will go change,,, glad he is gunna suply you.... now go take a nap

Granny Annie said...

It is perfectly acceptable to post on your blog when you are under the influence.........just so you delete the next sober day:-)

eyes_only4him said...

so...whatcha doing?..r u still alive?


well I am going out..its Kareoke night at the VFW..yeehaw!